Registration of new .GENT domains now available

Open registration is now available for recently approved new .GENT gTLD

.GENT regulations synopsis:

.GENT can be registered both by individuals and companies, a local administrative contact is not necessary.

Annual domain charge: EUR 62.00

DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, at no additional cost.

Full regulations for .GENT

There are no restrictions for registering a .GENT domain name. .GENT can be registered both by individuals and companies, a local administrative contact is not required.

FAQ for domain names in .GENT and Geographic locations
Is local company in Geographic locations required?
A local company is not required for registration of .GENT domains.
Is it necessary to have a local administrative contact in Geographic locations?
A local administrative contact is not required for registration of .GENT domains.
Are trademarks applicable in Geographic locations?
No trademark is required in order to register a .GENT domain. Trademark holders who wish to protect their intellectual property during and after the launch of new gTLDs should consider registering their trademark(s) with the Trademark Clearinghouse. The service includes preventive warning notices to would-be violators of your trademark, notification of violations as well as access to early bird Sunrise registration ahead of other registrants. For more information please see Trademark Clearinghouse Managed Submission
Is Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) offered?
Registration of .GENT IDN domain names with non-ASCII characters is not possible.
Are generic domains available for .GENT domains?
There are no limitations for generic domain names with .GENT. However, the .GENT registry has a short list of premium, reserved and banned names which can not be registered at the moment.
Is the .GENT domain price guaranteed?
So long as the domain name is a normal .GENT, then the price will not change. However, the .GENT registry has a short list of Premium names at a higher price. Please see other FAQ item regarding Premium names.
What is a Premium .GENT name?
The .GENT registry has a short list of Premium names registered at a substantially higher annual fee level. These are typically short and well known dictionary words, well known company names, 1-2-3 letter words and numbers etc.. At the moment we are not able to live-check for such Premium classification. We therefore ask you to either contact us beforehand at , or file the application, whereafter we will check for its status before continuing. Should the domain prove to have a higher price level, we will inform you whereafter you can either go ahead with the new price level or cancel your application at no cost.
How long does it take to register a .GENT domain name?
0 day/s
Usually, it does not take longer than [RegTime] to register a .GENT domain in Geographic locations. We will submit the application as soon as possible. However, we cannot offer guarantees as we have no impact on the speed of the Geographic locations domain authority once the domain application has been submitted.
What is the minimum number of characters a .GENT domain name can consist of?
Applications for .GENT domain names with less than 2 characters cannot be accepted.
What is the maximum number of characters a .GENT domain name can consist of?
Applications for .GENT domain names with more than 63 characters cannot be accepted.
Is it possible to register more than one Geographic locations domain name?
YES, unlimited
Registration of multiple .GENT names is allowed. There are no limitations.
Do I have to configure my DNS in advance?
You do not have to configure your Domain Name Server ahead of time for .GENT domains.
Are there other TLDs related to Geographic locations available?
Yes, there are other Geographic locations domain extensions available at EuropeID. Some of them might not have the local presence requirement and may be unrestricted. Please check the available domains for Geographic locations below:

How to transfer domain names to EuropeID?

Required info:

  • List the domains you wish to have transferred to EuropeID into the box
  • Enter your name and email address
  • Press Send. A representative from EuropeID Support will contact you in order to process the domain transfer request

Additional info:

  • If you have Authorisation Codes ready, include these. If not, you can provide them later
  • If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer
Transfer Your Domain
Choose file

.GENT domain names .GENT domains

Domain suffix: .GENT
Category Geographic locations
Type: New gTLD's
.GENT info rating:
4.8 / 5 in 382 votes
Rate information:

No restrictions.

.GENT can be registered both by individuals and companies, a local administrative contact is not necessary.

.GENT domain names pricing:

1 Year registration: EUR 62.00
Renewal: EUR 62.00

Payment options:

Accepted payment methods for .GENT domain names include Visa, Master Card, JCB, DanKort, PayPal, Visa Electron, Maestro, UnionPay, American Express, RuPay, BC, Diners Club International, Discover, Elo, Troy and wire transfer.

Visa Master Card jcb DanKort Paypal
Visa-e Maestro Unionpay RuPay Bc
 Diners Club International Discover Troy wire transfer
Last update by EuropeID
Alternative Geographic locations suffixes

Do you require additional information?

If you need more information or have questions about the .GENT domain registration or transfer, please contact us at or via phone on: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.

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