Domain names in Africa. Registration of African domain names.

Please review all the TLD’s we have on offer for Africa. You can request a domain name using our Order System Search box above. Information on pricing and regulations for African domains is provided below:
Regulations abstract:
Available to Algerian-based companies and owners of trademarks (local or Madrid) recognised in Algeria. EuropeID can help with obtaining trademark(s). Multiple domains are permitted, only if related to applicant's business (local applicants), or in case of multiple trademarks (foreign applicants).
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Available to Algerian-based companies and owners of trademarks (local or Madrid) recognised in Algeria. EuropeID can help with obtaining trademark(s). Multiple domains are permitted, only if related to applicant's business (local applicants), or in case of multiple trademarks (foreign applicants).
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Available to Algerian-based companies and owners of trademarks (local or Madrid) recognised in Algeria. EuropeID can help with obtaining trademark(s). Multiple domains are permitted, only if related to applicant's business (local applicants), or in case of multiple trademarks (foreign applicants).
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Available to Algerian associations and owners of trademarks recognised in Algeria. Domain names need to relate to registered association name or trademark.
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Registrant must be an entity based in Burkino Faso. Only one domain permitted per applicant.
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No restrictions apply. Domain names must be a credible reflection of company name, trademarks etc.
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Domain names need to represent business name, trademarks or similar.
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Any company with a matching WIPO trademark may register third level .COM.EG domain names, Trademark and registrant company can be from any country.
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Any trademark holder may register .EG domain names, The trademark and domain registrant can be from any country, no local company required. Documentation such as certificate of incorporation and trademark certificate(s) will be required. You can point your domain anywhere you please, but local rules require the DNS is in Egypt. Web Solutions/EuropeID will provide local DNS and contacts via our free of charge local presence service for Egyptian domain names.
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Any company/organisation or trademark owner is allowed to register third level .ORG.EG domain names,, Trademark or company can be from any country, however, relevant documents will be needed. Local contacts are also necessary, however EuropeID will offer this at no additional cost through our Trustee/Local Presence service.
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The applying organization/entity must demonstrate strong ties to the country. Domain names must correspond to registered business name, trademarks or similar.
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Local company is necessary. Further, EuropeID provide a Trustee service for .COM.GH domain names in Ghana.
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Local company is necessary. Further, EuropeID provide a Trustee service for .ORG.GH domain names in Ghana.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID further provide a Local Presence Service for clients with no local representation in Kenya. The Local Presence solution is provided free of charge
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID further provide a Local Presence Service for clients with no local representation in Kenya. The Local Presence solution is provided free of charge
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No restrictions apply. However, domain names with less than 4 characters require local representation.
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No restrictions apply. However, domain names with less than 4 characters require local representation.
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No restrictions apply. Anyone may register any number of .NG domains.
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Unrestricted. Anyone may register any number of .COM.NG domain names.
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Applicants must be located within the European Union. For clients outside Europe, EuropeID will provide Local Presence Service at no additional cost.
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No restrictions apply. But only reasonable registrations are accepted.
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No restrictions apply. But only reasonable registrations are accepted.
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Applicant needs to be an entity located in Zambia. EuropeID further provide a local presence solution for CO.ZM domains.
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