Domain name registration in Egypt without the local physical presence requirement (regulations)
Menu of Egyptian domain suffixes for entities located outside Egypt
Domain search
Site search

Registration fee
Agent fee
Regulations abstract:
Unrestricted. Any company or trademark owner may register third level .COM.EG domains,, Trademark or company can be from anywhere, but documentation will be necessary. Local contacts are also necessary, however, EuropeID will provide this at no cost through our Trustee/Local Presence service.Regulations abstract:
Restricted. Egyptian companies and owners of Egyptian trademarks are allowed to register second level .EG domain names, or Trademark owners do not need to have a local representation. Local contact persons are also necessary. However, EuropeID will provide this at no cost through our Trustee/Local Presence service for .EG domain names.Regulations abstract:
Any company/organisation or trademark owner is allowed to register third level .ORG.EG domain names,, Trademark or company can be from any country, however, relevant documents will be needed. Local contacts are also necessary, however EuropeID will offer this at no additional cost through our Trustee/Local Presence service.

Do you require additional information?
For more information on local representation in Egypt, domain registration or transfer, please contact us at or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.