Domain name registration in Thailand without the local physical presence requirement (regulations)
Menu of Thai domain suffixes for entities located outside Thailand
Domain search
Site search

Registration fee
Agent fee
Regulations abstract:
Local company or international (non-Thai) trademark are necessary. The trademark can be registered in any country, if combined with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand. We can help with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an approximate one-time cost of 200 USD. Contact us for detailed information.Regulations abstract:
Available for Thai-based companies or individuals who are either citizen of or resident of Thailand. Further, EuropeID provide a Local Presence Service for this domain nameRegulations abstract:
Reserved for Thai non-profit organisations.Regulations abstract:

Do you require additional information?
For more information on local representation in Thailand, domain registration or transfer, please contact us at or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.