Domain names in Australia and Oceania. Registration of Australian and Oceanian domain names.

Please review all the TLD’s we have on offer for Australia and Oceania. You can request a domain name using our Order System Search box above. Information on pricing and regulations for Australian and Oceanian domains is provided below:
Regulations abstract:
At present, it is not possible to register second level domain names under .AU. The primary Australian domain for business is .COM.AU. Please click the links below if you wish to search and register .COM.AU and other Australian domains:
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Local company or trademark necessary. Both trademark registration and application are accepted.
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No restrictions apply. Anyone may register any number of .PW domains.
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Local presence required. Foreign applicants must document economic relations with Papua New Guinea, for instance local clients or business partners.
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Foreign applicants need to document business-oriented relations with Papua New Guinea. For example, local clients or business partners.
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Some high-value names may have a higher annual fee charged by the registry. We will notify you in advance, if the domain applied for cannot be registered at a standard price.
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