How to register a domain name in Lebanon with local representation?

Lebanese domains, for entities located outside Lebanon, Local Trustee Service available

.ORG.LB regulations synopsis:

Applicant must be an organisation based in Lebanon. The process of registration includes registration of a Lebanese trademark matching the domain name.

Annual domain charge: EUR 197.00

DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, at no additional cost.

Full regulations for .ORG.LB

Applicant must be an organisation based in Lebanon. The process of registration includes registration of a Lebanese trademark matching the domain name.

FAQ for domain names in .ORG.LB and Lebanon
Is local company in Lebanon required?
The domain holder needs to be a Lebanese-based company. If you hold a trademark but have no local representation, this can be provided through EuropeID's Local Presence/Trustee service for Lebanon.
Is it necessary to have a local administrative contact in Lebanon?
If you have no local contact, we can supply this though our Trustee service.
Are trademarks applicable in Lebanon?
Lebanese trademark class 35 is necessary. Registering a Lebanese trademark costs approximately 400-600 USD. EuropeID can assist with the trademark registration.
Is Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) offered?
Registration of .ORG.LB IDN domain names with non-ASCII characters is not possible.
Are generic domains available for .ORG.LB domains?
Domain name must be identical to the trademark.
How long does it take to register a .ORG.LB domain name?
60 day/s
Usually, it does not take longer than [RegTime] to register a .ORG.LB domain in Lebanon. We will submit the application as soon as possible. However, we cannot offer guarantees as we have no impact on the speed of the Lebanese domain authority once the domain application has been submitted.
What is the minimum number of characters a .ORG.LB domain name can consist of?
Applications for .ORG.LB domain names with less than 3 characters cannot be accepted.
What is the maximum number of characters a .ORG.LB domain name can consist of?
Applications for .ORG.LB domain names with more than 63 characters cannot be accepted.
Is it possible to register more than one Lebanese domain name?
The domain name and trademark must match. If you need to register more domain names, you can register additional trademarks.
Are there other TLDs related to Lebanon available?
Yes, there are other Lebanese domain extensions available at EuropeID. Some of them might not have the local presence requirement and may be unrestricted. Please check the available domains for Lebanon below:

Proxy service for Lebanese .ORG.LB domain names

If you choose to take advantage of our Local Presence/Proxy Service for Lebanese domains, EuropeID itself, our local branch office or a local representative designated by us will become the legal holders and administrative contacts of the pertinent .ORG.LB domains.

Acceptable types of .ORG.LB domain:

Domain names associated with your company name, products, services and trademarks can all be registered through our Proxy Service for .ORG.LB domain names. If you are seeking to register domains relating to gambling, erotic content, chat, advertising or similar name categories, such domain names must be pre-approved on an individual basis and may incur a higher service charge. Please contact us in advance at .

DNS choice for Lebanon:

All the domain names within .ORG.LB may be hosted on your own name servers. If you do not specify anyname servers, we will provide DNS for your Lebanese domain names free of charge.

User Certificate for Lebanese Proxy domains:

Upon the registration of the .ORG.LB domain names, we will forward to you a User Certificate which describes your rights and the terms under which we are providing the Proxy Service for Lebanon - including that you will be regarded the legitimate user of the domain names, with full authority to specify technical settings and to control the usage of the domain.

If you wish to review a sample User Certificate, please e-mail us at . Some of the terms of use of the Local Presence/Proxy Service are also refered to in our general terms of business at [TERMS]


EuropeID will be providing the Local Presence/Proxy Service as is, and cannot guarantee against unforeseen interference or discontinuance of service. We cannot be held responsible for any losses sustained by our clients, whether directly or indirectly, even if we have been notified of the possibility of such losses or damages.

Register the Lebanese trademark!

There may always be risks involved with using a local presence or proxy service such as this. We strongly advise that our clients reinforce the legal standing of their .ORG.LB domain names, by registering matching trademarks in Lebanon.

Warehousing of Lebanese .ORG.LB domain names with Proxy Service is not allowed!

It is expressly not permitted to use our Proxy Service for .ORG.LB domain names for the purpose of trading domain names. Certain generic type domain names can be considered as exceptions, in which case an agreement must be made in a written form between ourselves, prior to the registration of the domain name.

Spamming using your .ORG.LB domain names with Proxy Service is not permitted!

If you are planning to send out massive amounts of e-mails from your .ORG.LB domain with Proxy Service (over 50 recipients at once), you must notify us in advance and seek prior approval.

If you need more information concerning Proxy Service for Lebanese domain names, or wish to review a draft User Certificate, please get in touch with our support team.

How to transfer domain names to EuropeID?

Required info:

  • List the domains you wish to have transferred to EuropeID into the box
  • Enter your name and email address
  • Press Send. A representative from EuropeID Support will contact you in order to process the domain transfer request

Additional info:

  • If you have Authorisation Codes ready, include these. If not, you can provide them later
  • If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer
Transfer Your Domain
Choose file

.ORG.LB domain names .ORG.LB domains

Domain suffix: .ORG.LB
Country: Lebanon
Location: Middle East
.ORG.LB info rating:
4.9 / 5 in 403 votes
Rate information:

Applicant must be an organisation based in Lebanon. The process of registration includes registration of a Lebanese trademark matching the domain name.

.ORG.LB domain names pricing:

1 Year registration: EUR 197.00
Renewal: EUR 197.00

Payment options:

Accepted payment methods for .ORG.LB domain names include Visa, Master Card, JCB, DanKort, PayPal, Visa Electron, Maestro, UnionPay, American Express, RuPay, BC, Diners Club International, Discover, Elo, Troy and wire transfer.

Visa Master Card jcb DanKort Paypal
Visa-e Maestro Unionpay RuPay Bc
 Diners Club International Discover Troy wire transfer
Last update by EuropeID
Alternative Lebanese suffixes

Do you require additional information?

If you need more information or have questions about the .ORG.LB domain registration or transfer, please contact us at or via phone on: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.

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