Local presence service
Worldwide leader in providing Local Presence Service
At EuropeID we work to remove those barriers in order to grant our clients access to restricted domains. EuropeID is indeed the global leader in offering Local Presence Service for domain registrations – a service which is sometimes referred to as Local Proxy Service or Local Agent Service. Whether through our locally registered branch office or through a credible local agent, we can provide you with that important country domain name which will not be available for registration with other registrars.
When performing business activities locally, be that in Finland, Thailand, Croatia, Malaysia or somewhere else, that all important local domain may be the key to success. It instates local trust in your website, and it gives you a virtually priceless local boost with the search engines, steering traffic to your website.
Below you will find a complete list of the countries where EuropeID provide Local Presence Service for domain registration.
What is Local Presence Service?
In numerous countries local presence is a prerequisite for a domain registration. It is often required that the administrative contact needs to be based in the country where the domain is applied for.
The requirements and registration process may differ in each country. In order to make your registration experience as pain-free as it is possible, EuropeID offer you the Local Presence service, also called local proxy or local agent service. It is an agreement, accepted and observed by registry authorities, by which you authorize us to be your local domain contact.
A domain registrant’s local address is required in countries such as Norway, Finland, Canada, Albania and many others. Below there is the complete list of countries requiring local presence which are supported by EuropeID.
User Certificate
EuropeID will provide a signed User Certificate to clients using our Local Presence service. This will secure your rights to the domain names you own.
How to register domain names within a restricted country?
Simply select a domain extension from the list, read the applicable regulations and check if the domain name of your choice is available using our search form. The next step will take you to where you will be able to opt for our Local Presence service. Or we can easily assist you if you contact us via e-mail at support@europeid.com.
Terms of Local Presence Service
At all time, the maintaining registrar of a proxy domain name must be EuropeID. We will continue to renew the domain name provided that applicable annual fees are paid on time. Prepaid annual fees will not be refunded.
If a proxy domain name is used for communication in violation of, but not limited to, local laws, EuropeID will delete or render the domain name inactive instantaneously. If a domain name is used for the purpose of communicating content of an unethical or immoral nature, the domain name will be suspended until the content is altered to terms satisfaction.
EuropeID or its authorised agent is supplying the proxy service in good faith, but cannot guarantee against unanticipated interruptions or discontinuance of Service. In the event that we receive instructions from a Registry, court of law or similar institution to either amend the legal structure of a domain name or cancel it completely, we will do so at once, and cannot in any way or form be held accountable for the occurred.
EuropeID is entitled to, at its sole discretion, and without notifying the Client, revise address data or transfer ownership of proxy service domain names between its local presence representatives.
You concur that, to the best of your knowledge, the domain name does not in any way or form infringe upon a third-party’s trademark or other rights, or violate any direct or indirect laws or procedures in the pertinent countries and beyond. If however, at any point in time a domain name is considered by EuropeID to be in such violation, we are entitled to respond independently to protect ourselves, and may without limitation implement measures such as rendering a domain inactive, transferring it to a new holder or deleting the domain name.
It is explicitly not permitted to use our proxy service in order to purchase and sell domain names. Should any domain name be found to be “on sale”, it will instantly be rendered inactive or deleted. A generic type domain may be exempted, in which case such exception must be expressly agreed upon in a written form prior to the ordering of the domain name.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold EuropeID harmless from and against any loss, costs or damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, brought about by any claim, action, suit, proceeding, dispute or demand arising out of or associated with any proxy domain name registration, proxy domain transfer or usage of a proxy domain name.
In case a complaint is filed against EuropeID or its agent, either directly or through a local court or dispute resolution procedure, or similar course of action, we have no obligation to defend the domain registration or participate in such procedure. EuropeID may choose to instruct our client to within a 7-day period provide us with evidence of a legitimate right to the domain, or otherwise reach a written agreement with us as to how to act in response to the complaint.
In case of loss of a domain name or in case of loss of a Service for a period of time, EuropeID or our agent cannot be held accountable for any losses sustained by our client, directly or indirectly, even if EuropeID has been informed of the possibility of such loss or damages. Even though we appoint local agents after careful consideration, when a local agent is used rather than our local office, we cannot in any way or form be held accountable for actions taken by the agent now or in the future.

All countries listed below have implemented restrictions, preventing international companies from registering domain names. In countries such as Norway it is possible for only local companies to register domains.
List of countries with Local Presence Service offered
Regulations abstract:
Applicant must be a private person or entity located in Albania. EuropeID further provide a Local Presence Solution for .COM.AL domain names.
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Applicant must be a private person or entity located in Albania. EuropeID further provide a Local Presence Solution for .NET.AL domain names.
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Applicant must be an organisation located in Albania. EuropeID further provide a Local Presence/Trustee Service for .ORG.AL domain names.
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Available for holders of a trade name registered in Andorra, or for holders of a trademark valid in Andorra. EuropeID offers a trademark registration service for Andorra which can serve as the basis for the registration.
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A local administrative contact is required. Web Solutions will provide this at no additional charge.
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Applicant must be located in Argentina. EuropeID further provide an agent solution for domain registration in Argentina.
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ORG.AR domains are reserved for non-profit organisations and telecommunication companies registered in Argentina and having an Argentinian tax number (CUIT)
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At present, it is not possible to register second level domain names under .AU. The primary Australian domain for business is .COM.AU. Please click the links below if you wish to search and register .COM.AU and other Australian domains:
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Local company or trademark necessary. Both trademark registration and application are accepted.
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A local representative is necessary. Foreign applicants can benefit from EuropeID's Trustee service for Bahrain. It may be necessary to have the domain name hosted on local DNS. The above does not include the cost of this.
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A local representative is necessary. Foreign applicants can benefit from EuropeID's Trustee service for Bahrain. It may be necessary to have the domain name hosted on local DNS. The above does not include the cost of this.
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Unrestricted. Foreign companies are allowed to register up to 20 .BA domain names.
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Unrestricted. International companies based outside Bosnia are allowed to register up to 20 .COM.BA domains.
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Applicant must be located in Brazil. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for registration of Brazilian domains.
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Applicant must be located in Brazil. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for registration of Brazilian domains.
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Applicant must be located in Brazil. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for registration of Brazilian domains.
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Applicants must be located within the European Union. EuropeID further provide a local presence service.
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Applicant must be located in Canada, or own a Canadian trademark. EuropeID also provide a proxy registration service via our Canadian based agent.
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Local Croatian company or personal number (OIB) or European VAT ID is required. Web Solutions can provide registration of .HR domains to entities outside of the EU.
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Applicant must be an entity registered in Cyprus or a resident private person. EuropeID further provide a Local Presence/Trustee service for this domain.
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Applicant must be a registered Cypriot entity or resident private person. Web Solutions further offer a Local Presence/Trustee service for this TLD.
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Applicant must own a matching trademark valid in Cyprus. EU/OHIM trademarks are recognised as valid. Foreign applicants will need to designate a local contact. EuropeID can help with this via our Trustee Service.
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Any company with a matching WIPO trademark may register third level .COM.EG domain names, www.yourtrademark.com.eg. Trademark and registrant company can be from any country.
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Any trademark holder may register .EG domain names, www.trademark.eg. The trademark and domain registrant can be from any country, no local company required. Documentation such as certificate of incorporation and trademark certificate(s) will be required. You can point your domain anywhere you please, but local rules require the DNS is in Egypt. Web Solutions/EuropeID will provide local DNS and contacts via our free of charge local presence service for Egyptian domain names.
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Any company/organisation or trademark owner is allowed to register third level .ORG.EG domain names, www.yourcompany.org.eg, www.yourtrademark.org.eg. Trademark or company can be from any country, however, relevant documents will be needed. Local contacts are also necessary, however EuropeID will offer this at no additional cost through our Trustee/Local Presence service.
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Local company is necessary: EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for registration of domains in El Salvador.
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Local company is necessary: EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for registration of domains in El Salvador.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will provide this at no additional cost.
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No restrictions apply. CO.EE is a privately owned domain. The domain will constitute a subdomain to this.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will provide this at no additional cost.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will provide this at no additional cost.
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Applicant must be based within the European Union or EFTA. After Brexit, UK companies do not qualify. Web Solutions further offer a free Trustee Service for .FR domains.
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Applicants must be located within the European Union or EFTA. For clients outside Europe, EuropeID will provide Local Presence Service at no additional cost.
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Applicant must be located in Georgia. EuropeID offer a local agent service at no additional cost.
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Applicant must be located in Georgia. EuropeID offer a local agent service at no additional cost.
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Local company is necessary. Further, EuropeID provide a Trustee service for .COM.GH domain names in Ghana.
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Local company is necessary. Further, EuropeID provide a Trustee service for .ORG.GH domain names in Ghana.
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Applicant must be located in Guam. EuropeID offer assistance in facilitating a local agent in order to register domains.
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Applicant must be located in Guam. EuropeID offer assistance in facilitating a local agent in order to register domains.
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Only companies and individuals located within the EU are allowed to register. EuropeID provide a Trustee Service for Hungarian domain names.
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Only companies and individuals located within the EU are allowed to register. EuropeID provide a Trustee Service for Hungarian domain names.
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Only companies and individuals located within the EU are allowed to register. EuropeID provide a Trustee Service for Hungarian domain names.
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Only companies and individuals located within the EU are allowed to register. EuropeID provide a Trustee Service for Hungarian domain names.
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Only companies and individuals located within the EU are allowed to register. EuropeID provide a Trustee Service for Hungarian domain names.
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Local presence or matching trademark from any country required. For all other applicants, Web Solutions offer a Local Presence/Trustee Service.
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Local presence or identical trademark from any country is necessary. For all other applicants, EuropeID offer a Local Presence/Trustee Service.
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Local presence or identical trademark from any country is necessary. For all other applicants, EuropeID offer a Local Presence/Trustee Service.
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Applicants not located within the European Union can use EuropeID as agent for the domain registration(s).
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A local contact address is necessary, which EuropeID will provide at no additional cost.
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Foreign applicants must have a local administrative contact. This can be provided through EuropeID's Trustee Service. Domain names need to match the applicant's company name, or a trademark registered in any country.
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Foreign applicants must have a local administrative contact. This can be provided through EuropeID's Trustee Service. Domain names need to match the applicant's company name, or a trademark registered in any country.
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Local presence is necessary. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for .KR domain names, if you have no local presence in Korea. The Trustee Service is offered free of charge.
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Local presence is necessary. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for .KR domain names, if you have no local presence in Korea. The Trustee Service is offered free of charge.
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Local presence is necessary. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for .KR domain names, if you have no local presence in Korea. The Trustee Service is offered free of charge.
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Local presence is necessary. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for .KR domain names, if you have no local presence in Korea. The Trustee Service is offered free of charge.
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Foreign applicants may register the name of their company, parts thereof or trademarks under .COM.KW domain. Trademarks from any country are accepted. It is permitted to abbreviate the company or organisation names. A local administrative contact needs to be assigned. If necessary, we will provide admin-c service at no additional cost via our Trustee Service/Local Presence solution for Kuwaiti domains. Please choose the complementary Trustee Service at check-out.
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Foreign applicants may register the name of their company parts thereof or trademarks under .NET.KW domain. Trademarks from any country are accepted. It is permitted to abbreviate the company or organisation names. A local administrative contact needs to be assigned. If needed, we will provide admin-c service at no additional cost via our Trustee Service/Local Presence solution for Kuwaiti domains. Please choose the complementary Trustee Service at check-out.
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Foreign applicants may register the name of their company, organisation, non-profit NGO, or trademarks under .ORG.KW domain. Trademarks may be from any country. It is permitted to abbreviate the company or organisation names. A local administrative contact needs to be assigned. If needed, we will provide admin-c service at no additional cost via our Trustee Service/Local Presence solution for Kuwaiti domains. Please choose the complementary Trustee Service at check-out.
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Local company and trademark class 35 necessary. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for Lebanese domains.
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Applicant must be a Lebanese educational institution. The process of domain registration includes registration of a Lebanese trademark matching the domain name.
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Applicant must be an organisation based in Lebanon. The process of registration includes registration of a Lebanese trademark matching the domain name.
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Both a local company and a local trademark is required. Foreign owners of trademarks recognised in Macau can register matching domain names via EuropeID's Trustee Service for .MO.
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Local company or trademark necessary. Foreign owners of trademarks recognised in Macau can register matching domain names via EuropeID's Trustee Service for .COM.MO.
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Local organisation or trademark is necessary. Foreign owners of trademarks recognised in Macau can register matching domains through EuropeID's Trustee Service for .ORG.MO.
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Applicant must either be a Macedonian-based organisation or a resident of Macedonia. EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for Macedonian domain names.
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Local company is necessary. EuropeID provide a .MY Trustee Service for clients who do not have local representation in Malaysia.
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Local company is necessary. EuropeID provide a .COM.MY Trustee Service for clients who do not have local representation in Malaysia.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID provide a Local Presence Solution for clients who do not have a local office.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID provide a Local Presence Solution for clients who do not have a local office.
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Local company required. Web Solutions further offer a Local Presence/Trustee Service for Myanmar .COM.MM domain names.
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No restrictions apply. A local administrative contact will be provided free of charge.
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Local presence required. EuropeID further offers a Local Presence/Trustee Service for registrants which do not have a presence in New Caledonia.
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Applicant needs to be a Norwegian company. EuropeID further provide a Local Presence/Trustee Service for registrants who do not have a representation in Norway.
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Local presence is necessary. However, EuropeID further provide a Trustee Service for .OM domains in Oman.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID can provide this service if needed.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID can provide this service if needed.
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Applicants must be located within the European Union. For clients outside Europe, EuropeID will provide Local Presence Service at no additional cost.
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Local company or trademark necessary. A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID offer this via our Trustee service for Saudi Arabia.
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Local company or trademark necessary. A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID offer this via our Trustee service for Saudi Arabia.
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Local organisation or trademark is necessary. It is required to have a local administrative contact. EuropeID can provide this through our Trustee Service for Saudi Arabia.
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Applicant needs to be a Saudi company, citizen or permanent resident of Saudi Arabia.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will supply this at no additional cost.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will supply this at no additional cost.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will supply this at no additional cost.
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A local administrative contact is necessary. EuropeID will supply such if needed
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For applicants outside Slovak Republic, EuropeID offer registration through our local agent. The agent will be the legal holder of the domain name(s).
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Local company or international (non-Thai) trademark are necessary. The trademark can be registered in any country, if combined with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand. We can help with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an approximate one-time cost of 200 USD. Contact us for detailed information.
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Available for Thai-based companies or individuals who are either citizen of or resident of Thailand. Further, EuropeID provide a Local Presence Service for this domain name
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Applicant must be located in Uruguay. EuropeID further provide a Trustee service for Uruguay domains.
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Applicant must be located in Uruguay. EuropeID further provide a Trustee service for Uruguay domains.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID provide a local presence service for non-Yemenese clients. Domain names need to be hosted in Yemen. Therefore, a small hosting package is included in the annual fee.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID provide a local presence service for non-Yemenese clients. Domain names need to be hosted in Yemen. Therefore, a small hosting package is included in the annual fee.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID provide a local presence service for non-Yemenese clients. Domain names need to be hosted in Yemen. Therefore, a small hosting package is included in the annual fee.
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Local company is necessary. However, EuropeID provide a local presence service for non-Yemenese clients. Domain names need to be hosted in Yemen. Therefore, a small hosting package is included in the annual fee.
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Applicant needs to be an entity located in Zambia. EuropeID further provide a local presence solution for CO.ZM domains.
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